I believe a successful job search starts with job seekers understanding how meaningful all experiences are in creating your unique story to tell. This belief has driven me to experiment with various ideas and pathways for job seekers of all work, academic and trained levels. For the past 20 years I have enjoyed guiding countless amount of job seekers to their goals within higher education and the workforce. My strategies are diverse, as they align my diverse experience and education. My professional industry experience includes food and beverage, healthcare, supply chain, audiovisual, higher education and talent management. I have completed certifications in Home Health Aid, Nursing Assistant, Forklift operator, MBTI, and Career Transition Coaching. Additionally, I hold a B.S. in Technical Education & Industry Training and M.A. in Career & Technical Education all from The University of Central Florida. All of my job opportunities derived from my understanding of Meaningful Engaging Experience and Talent which is the foundation for Meet4jobs. I am serious about coaching job seekers, that are serious about putting in the work. I look forward to you booking your Meet4jobs session and contributing to building this MJ4 community.